Invasive Interpretation of Human Rights
A chronicle and a critique of the legislative and the judicial events leading to a gradual denial and erosion of religious freedom to Ahmadis in Pakistan. This work is intended to provide an insight into the background of the Supreme Court judgment in the Ahmadis' case.
Ahmadiyya community is internationally known and recognized among the international religions. The role and growth of the community has been a subject of many a research thesis in various universities of the world. There is a keen interest in, and a growing demand for greater information on, the situation of Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan. The purpose of the author in writing the present work is to elucidate and place on record some of the facts and errors which the ordinary reader finds confusing in the judgment of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
The Author:
Mujeeb-ur-Rehman is an advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is well-known in the legal circle of his country for his erudite scholarship and learning on Islamic Shariah and connected subjects. He has been associated with a number of international Human Rights organizations such as Amnesty International, the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva) and the Human Rights Advocates Inc. of the U.S.A., in their study and investigations of human rights situation in Pakistan. He along with some of his friends personally challenged the Ordinance XX of 1984 in the Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan. He has represented Ahmadiyya viewpoint in almost all important cases brought before the courts during the last more than two decades.
He has a background which puts him in a position to speak out of first hand knowledge and legal experience on the issue dealt with in this work.
ISBN: 1 882494 25 3